Head Girls Coach Elyse Spraul

Elyse Spraul attended High School at Mount Notre Dame. Her four older brothers who attended Princeton High School all played Water polo but unfortunately that is not a sport available at MND. Having been around the sport since she was 8, water polo and swimming had always been something she loved being around. Her senior year she and some friends got together and decided that it was time other schools who didn't offer the sport had the chance to play. In 2012 the team AMDG was created to incorporate girls from all over Ohio whose High Schools did not offer the sport. This team is now known as the Cincinnati Mavericks. She swam 4 years at MND and decided to pursue that love into college. After graduating from MND Elyse went on to swim at Wilmington College where she swam for 4 years and played club coed water polo. After graduating from Wilmington she coached her last year of a total of 5 years of Recreational swim team for the Evendale Eagles and then went on to take a break from the sports world. Then in 2019 her brother Mikey reached out and asked if she would be interested in taking on the assistant coaching position for the Cincinnati Mavericks. Elyse was the assistant for the Mavericks for 2 seasons then in 2021 she became the Head Coach. She has also coached 2 seasons as a Moose Water Polo Assistant Coach.

While being a water polo coach was not originally on Elyse's horizon of possibilities it has offered her the chance to help so many young female athletes grow in the sport and as individuals. 

Currently, Elyse Works for Wright Patterson Air Force Base as a full time Contracting Specialist. When not coaching water polo or working Elyse enjoys spending time with her wonderful family, friends, and 2 dogs. She also enjoys working out, walking outside, and trying out new places to eat.